Charlotte Sims - Keep On Moving
Charlotte Sims is a personal trainer and plant-based vegan who knows a thing or two about keeping your joints healthy and strong. As the latest member of our #Flexisquad, we sat down with Charlotte to find out her top tips for keeping on doing what you love - and how Flexiseq has made that possible for her!
When and why did you get into personal training?
I got into fitness in my last year of University as a healthy diversion from all of my studying.
Shortly after I graduated I trained as a Fitness Instructor and then as a Personal Trainer. My main drive to become a trainer was to be able to help people feel confident in their own bodies and to help promote a healthy lifestyle.
How do you stay active outside of the gym?
I love to go for long country walks and discover new places. I also love to read as I feel it’s important to keep the mind active too!
How did you hear about Flexiseq and why did you start using it?
I found the Flexiseq stand at Bodypower - a big fitness expo in Birmingham - and I was intrigued to start using the product to help with my knee pain.
How has Flexiseq helped you get back to doing what you love?
I am currently training for my first bikini competition which means I am in the gym 6 times a week. Flexiseq has helped me with my knee pain which means I can take fewer days off from the gym!
What are your top 5 exercises for strengthening the joints?
- Rotator cuff exercises for shoulder joints
- Bodyweight squats for knees
- Calf raises for ankle joints
- Hip bridges for hips
- Kickbacks to help with the hamstrings and knees
Apart from using Flexiseq, how do you take care of your joints when not exercising?
I take a Glucosamine supplement daily and make sure my diet is full of Omega 3, calcium and vitamin D. I eat a plant-based diet too. The most important thing for me is to make sure I warm up, cool down and stretch every day. Foam rolling is great to relax muscles and help the joints - I do this in front of the TV in the evening!
What does your ideal rest day involve?
I love visiting new places and exploring. I also wouldn’t say no to a lovely spa day with a massage and afternoon tea!
Do you have 5 tips for recovery for people who have arthritis? Osteo, rheumatoid or just everyday wear and tear.
- Try a form of exercise that puts less stress on your joints such as swimming, walking or aqua aerobics.
- Incorporate stretching into your daily routine
- Eat a healthy well-balanced diet. Foods high in Omega 3 include flax seeds, leafy greens, squash, beans, mangoes and wild rice.
- Consider supplementing with glucosamine. Glucosamine is found in healthy cartilage around the joints.
- Listen to your body. Take adequate rest and don’t overdo it. Consult your doctor if you have concerns.
Do you have any nutritional advice for keeping joints healthy?
Eating a healthy diet will keep your joints healthy. If you are overweight, you will be putting your joints under more pressure. I eat a plant-based diet that’s high in protein to support my muscles, and I make sure I eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to help my body get the vitamins it needs!
And finally, do you have any motivational quotes or thoughts that you live by?
In 20 years time from now, you will only regret the things you didn’t do - so chase your dreams and passions to make them come true!
And keep smiling!
You can follow Charlotte over on Instagram
Soothe your joints pre and post workout with Flexiseq Active. Try it HERE.
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