
Alex Scott’s #SayYesToLife Diary – I Have To Pinch Myself

Alex Scott's #SayYesToLife Diary - I Have To Pinch Myself
Alex Scott's #SayYesToLife Diary - I Have To Pinch Myself

Alex Scott is seriously hot property right now.

Having made her name on the football pitch with Arsenal and England, she’s since become one of the UK’s best known broadcasters, fronting coverage of major sporting events, chat shows and even her own quiz show.

You’ll know her for her incredible energy and bubbly personality but what you might not know is that for years she’s struggled with osteoarthritis and joint pain as a result of an old football injury. All the same (as you can tell from her busy schedule!) she doesn’t let it stop her living her best life.

Alex embodies everything we’d want from a FlexiSEQ ambassador and we’re incredibly pleased that over the next few months she’s going to be checking in to let us know what she’s been up to and how she always looking to #SayYesToLife.

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It’s a New Year, and I feel great. I’m smiling as I write this because I’m in such a good headspace at the moment.

Looking back at 2021, I cannot believe some of the things I was part of! Working for the BBC, I hosted Children in Need, Football Focus, coverage of the Tokyo Olympics and was part of the team involved with Sports Personality Of The Year (SPOTY) – it was all amazing. I often have imposter syndrome and have to pinch myself that it’s actually me doing all these things.

For me, it’s the people that I get to meet, interview and learn from that gives me this growth mindset. Learning through my job is something I absolutely love.

For SPOTY, I interviewed Sky Brown, who won an Olympic bronze medal in women’s skateboarding, and she was just amazing. Here is this 13 year-old kid, taking part in the Olympics, doing what she loves and she takes it all in her stride. She’s just the most bubbly, authentic and positive person. Speaking with her was such a privilege and a genuine highlight of last year.

By the end of 2021, I knew I needed to switch off. I needed to get away and recharge for a bit. For me a holiday is not about going out and having a party, it’s about getting my love for life back, to take stock of what has gone before and really appreciate how fortunate I am to be doing what I love.

“For me, a new year is about continuing to do what I know is working for me; things like staying active, which when you have arthritis is not always easy, but I find a way.”

Alex Scott MBE

That being said, I’m not someone who is very good at switching off. I always have to give myself some kind of task to accomplish. On my most recent little break I decided to take up scuba diving and get my practical PADI qualification. I like pushing myself to do something outside of my comfort zone.

It was funny because I was posting about this on my Instagram channel and my old conditioning coach, Dawn Scott (no relation), messaged me saying, “I cannot believe the girl who didn’t want to get in the pool for injury recovery is now a waterbaby!”

It took me back to my football playing days when I picked up an injury and they wanted me to do recovery sessions in the swimming pool. I couldn’t swim though, so I was terrified to do it. I’ve actually only learned to swim in the past couple of years, so from where I was then to where I am now makes me incredibly proud at how I’ve pushed myself. Swimming is great for the joints as well so it’s hugely beneficial to my ankles.

And so onto 2022! I love my job and work is something that gives me a lot of energy so I’m looking forward to getting back into it.

I don’t believe in New Year resolutions per se. I don’t understand there being an emphasis on a certain point in time to do something positive for yourself.

For me, a new year is about continuing to do what I know is working for me; things like staying active, which when you have arthritis is not always easy, but I find a way. I listen to my body, some days I’ll go for a run but others, when I know my ankles aren’t up to it, I’ll do something else, even just a brisk walk can do me the world of good.

Thanks for reading, I’ll be doing more #SayYesToLife diaries in the coming months and in the meantime, stay safe, stay active and most of all, stay happy.

Alex Scott

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